You know who I am absolutely loving at the moment? Elizabeth Olsen. She is so chic, and classy. I don't know about you guys, but I find it kind of bizarre because she is Ashley and Mary-Kate's sister, she is like their double. It's quite strange looking at her, but she is so beautiful.
Now I haven't seen any movies she has been in, but I'm really looking forward to seeing Martha Marcy May Marlene in which she stars in. It looks quite raw, and very real. Probably the perfect movie for me to see!
I'm at home now guys, so unfortunately I don't think I will be blogging clothes due to the fact I have no camera cable! (I'm useless, I know) And I also have an essay due soon which I should be cracking on with!
Anyways, it's Friday so hope you guys have a great weekend!
Vicki xxx
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